Biden’s Grand Plan and its Failure

Biden may be a sad, withered shadow of a man, but he is a mere mascot, while his clan is certainly not lacking in dastardly ambition. It managed to get into power stealing the US presidential election by every kind of libel, forgery and fraud, then worked assiduously to keep its stranglehold on political power perpetual by funneling US Treasury funds to US electoral campaigns through the Biden clan’s favorite money laundering machine known as the Ukraine. Realizing that the US cookie jar is nearly empty of cookies but overflowing with worthless IOUs, causing living standards in the US to start dropping precipitously, the Biden clan endeavored to rob Russia of its natural resources by strangling it politically, economically and militarily. To this end, it employed, once again, its favorite money laundering machine known as the Ukraine, diverting some of the funds being laundered toward military spending, training and equipping the Ukrainians to attack the Donbass, thus giving Russia no choice but to rise to its defense, this “act of naked aggression” in turn giving the entire “civilized world” an excuse to strangle it politically, economically and militarily. To make sure that the entire “civilized world” would go along with this plan with unquestioning obedience, the Biden clan held an obedience training exercise which it called “the pandemic”: it unleashed on the world a relatively innocuous lab-made virus, then used mind control tactics to attempt to assert total control of the global population, forcing it to accept counterproductive lockdowns, useless mask-wearing and actually harmful (though highly profitable) vaccinations. But wait, there’s more! The plan listed above was but a preamble to getting at the ultimate prize — China — which had grown from a subservient workshop economy into a major world power and is poised to displace the US from its hegemonic position. The defeat of Russia and the subsequent plundering of its resources would pave the way to the defeat of China, with a battle over the independence of Taiwan as an excuse. And with that the mighty US would be able to continue burning through an obscenely large share of the world’s remaining natural resources at a completely ridiculous rate for a couple more decades instead of collapsing later this year or maybe the next or the one after.
